

2. February

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with the Discord bot where it would sometimes fail to refresh access tokens and fail to find characters from the battlenet API.

7. November

Bug fix

Fixed a visual bug where server on 'edit signup' would sometimes show your default server instead of the signups server.

18. September

Bug fix

Improved Discord error feedback when user tries to sign up to a signup with custom categories with Discord role protection without any matching roles.

23. July

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where deleting a placeholder after moving it in groups would leave an empty spot.

7. June


Location names have been changed tweaked for clarification.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug in /signups that would redirect user to homepage if user refreshed page.

7. June


Deleting members off roster is now being logged in signup log.

3. June

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where creating new signups on website would try to create with a deleted template.

Bug fix

Discord bot: /signup create-with-template improved error feedback when user default template is missing.

Bug fix

Discord bot: Fixed an issue where a caching function gave vague error feedback.

19. May

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where the saved theme wasn't being applied properly to some browsers.

Bug fix

Fixed a crash when creating/ editing signup sets in settings.

Bug fix

Discord bot: Fixed an issue where clicking the blue custom signup button would fail if user had no characters on the signup server.

18. May


Duplicating signup or clicking 'use template' will now by default suggest a start time on next full hour.

15. May

Bug fix

Discord bot: Fixed an issue where searching in non-EU regions would sometimes fail.

12. May


Discord bot: you can now add characters by search for WoW Era, SoD and Wotlk/Cata.

Bug fix

Discord bot: fixed an issue where signing up before and after logging onto the website for the first time would result in 2 signups.

Bug fix

Discord bot: fixed an issue where absent, late and tentative members would show in the main signup embed.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where editing a character in settings could sometimes switch its location.

9. May

Bug fix

Discord bot: Fixed an issue users who had only signed up through Discord bot would sometimes show up as 'Guest' on signup.

8. May

Bug fix

Discord bot: Fixed an issue where /my signups command would crash if there was no upcoming events.

7. May


🎉 General signup support 🎉 You can now use Prepi for any type of signup you want. Customisable roster categories let you set what you want people to sign up as.


Roster categories: signup organisers can now add custom roster categories for whatever their signup needs. Members will be asked to pick a category on signup and the reply will be saved for easier signups later.


Custom fields: signup organisers can now add custom text inputs (in 'edit signup') that members need to fill out when they sign up. These replies are saved a month by default so the member isn't asked to fill out a form every time they sign up. This can be changed to ask every time, every week or every 2 weeks depending on the organisers needs.


/signup create command is now split into 2 commands: /signup create and /signup create-with-template. /signup create will now always create signups without assignments, but you can always add this later.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue in signups calendar where it would reset to current date when selecting signups.

15. April

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where duplicating a signup would make the roster not display properly.

12. April

Bug fix

Automation step 'use template' will now try again with another ID if it detects that the original ID already exists instead of stopping the sequence.

7. March

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where swapping a members character wouldn't update their character in groups.

29. February

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where placeholder IDs would in some cases use symbols that would make them invisible on the roster.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where saving a signup set would save time window eligibility data.

27. February


You can now create and delete custom role categories.

19. February

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with loading premium settings for some users.

15. February


Discord bot: 1-click signups got another ~20% speed boost.


Discord bot: if user has no valid characters on target server, the bot will much more often prompt user to immediately create one instead of giving error feedback that it found no characters.


Discord bot: fixed an issue where members that had never logged on to the website couldn't confirm their spot on Discord.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with selecting and deleting multiple signups in /signups.

13. February


Discord bot: custom signup has been completely reworked. Instead of having to select each input one by one, you can now update any of the inputs in any order you want.


There's a new Table view for roster.


Lots of features added to tables: search, sort by column, toggle column visibility, column filters, row grouping and more.


Discord bot: the code handling the signups has been reworked meaning signing up is now up to 3-4x faster 🎉.

Bug fix

Discord bot: There's fewer chances for the bot to respond with a vague error message if something goes wrong.

Bug fix

Discord bot: Fixed an issue where resolving 1-click signups were too fast so success page wouldn't show properly.

24. January

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where 'only my assignments' filter would not work correctly with new cell character references.

18. January


You can now have up to 1000 smart list instances in one grid, up from 52.


You can now click on a cell reference inside the editor to quickly replace it.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where cell references would display content of alt characters.

17. January


You can now hover over signup start and end time to see what timezone is used and see server time.

15. January


Adding a character to a cell will now links to a character instead of the member. This has been an issue in some circumstances where you swap to someones alt which cannot fill the assignments linked to the previous character. This edge case should no longer be a problem. Old cells that link to members will still work as before.

5. January

Bug fix

Discord bot: fixed an issue where the bot would complain when making new signups without a template for users that had none.

4. January


Text editor now has search and replace support.

Bug fix

Discord bot: made workaround for discord API crashing when trying to use two dropdown menu values that are identical. This would typically happen if a user had created two characters with the same name and spec.

2. January

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where permissions to the default templates wasn't being set correctly. This generally happened when a user had no other templates and tried to create a signup using the blank template.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where characters weren't being shown correctly in settings.

30. December


Discord bot: 1-click signups are up to 4x faster than before.

Bug fix

Discord bot: fixed a bug where guests could sign up with characters that belong to a different server.

29. December

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with signup window where it would show option to delete a character instead of removing it from the signup.

16. December


Discord bot: /ping unsigned command disabled.

8. December


Updated SoD servers.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with create new signup window where it would crash for some new users.

26. November


Now asks for less data when logging in with Discord the first time.

26. November


You can now 'View as' in assignments to view the document as if you were that member.

24. November


Retail support has been added!


Season of Discovery support has been added! (temporary servers - not announced yet)


Spec icons are now higher resulution.


Updated a lot of core expansion, class and spec related code to more quickly be able to update this data in the future.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where reducing the signup max size wouldn't remove groups.

16. November

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with 'unique members' toggle that caused it not to work in some situations.

11. November


You can now instantly distribute characters in split signups based on smart list logic. This means instant smart rosters. ✅ Modify distribution targets based on run size ✅ Prioritize or filter out characters based on their appeal ✅ Visual feedback of progress towards targets ✅ Log of distribution to better understand the process


Refresh template button. Have done work on template since you made the signup? No problem, you can now easily refresh the template data by going into 'edit signup' and clicking on the refresh template button. The button may not initially be there as signups have not saved which template they've used in the past.


New smart list condition: 'can go: __'. Filters characters that have an off spec that matches either a game role like tank or off spec like retribution.


New smart list condition: is: main


Smart list filtering now supports filtering per character instead of per member.


Popover warning when trying to delete smart lists.


Smart list tabs can now be deleted (along with all it's content), renamed and moved.

Bug fix

Fixed multiple bugs related to creating individual runs from a split signup.

Bug fix

Fixed bugs related split signup roster such as renaming and toggling standby on placeholders.

5. November


Panels can now be copied and pasted between documents. Hover over the panel you want to copy, click the top right triple dot menu, select 'copy panel to clipboard', go to the document you want to paste the panel in, click the section and select 'paste panel from clipboard'.

2. November

Bug fix

Panels with smart list instances will now try to automatically repair themselves if invalid data is detected.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where deleting the last grid row would not correctly remove smart list instances.

29. October

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where resizing smart list instances horizontally when the grid panel would only take one column space would fail.

17. October

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where editing automation after deleting a sequence would save incorrect data.

9. October


Smart list instances can now be reversed.


Added button to quickly update image panel URL.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where cell references to text cells would not display correctly.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue that prevented display of tentative in roster.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where the app would send a false error when resizing a smart list instance after resizing a grid panel.

7. October

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with 'copy all notes' where it would not write cell references from cells filled with smart lists that are not currently shown.

3. October

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where deleting a time window while converting a normal signup to a split signup would error.

24. September


Added a max roster size of 100 and minimum size of 1 to prevent unintentional mega rosters from making the browser lag.

Bug fix

Added a small delay to drag activation start on touch devices to prevent scrolling at the same time.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where updating split signup would reset run scroll position if there are more runs in a session than the browser could show.

23. September

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where swapping specs on a character in roster alternatives would not properly change it's position in split signups.

22. September

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where creating or deleting placeholders while editing roster would show roster in a partially edited state.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where deleting a member while editing roster could in some cases remove other people from groups.

22. September


Grid panels can now lock all current members from smart lists in their cells.


Grid panels can now clear all member cell data with using a new button in the hover triple dot menu.

15. September

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where edit signup would select another template than its on as default.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where you'd be allowed to swap members inside a split run.

9. September


Cell references in text panels. Add one by clicking insert -> cell reference or typing '='. Useful to create dynamic notes.


Mass export all text panels into MRT using MRT Note importer. Use the button 'Copy all notes' top right of the assignments. This will copy any text panel that has a note ID defined. You can add a note ID in the bottom left of the 'edit text' window.


The text editor menu bar has had an overhaul and is now easier to use.

31. August

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with hotkeys where non-admins were allowed to attempt to use admin hotkeys.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where 'replace with' search box would appear top left when trying to replace a member inside a role.

28. August

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where creating text or spacer panels would not work.

4. August


Improved signups calendar styling for multi-day events.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where 'edit signup defaults' window would not select the correct owner.

3. August

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where opening 'edit signup' would crash in some situations.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where you could enable both 'only my assignments' and 'edit mode' at the same time.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where opening 'new signup' with a user that has default start and end time would not update the date.

1. August

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where using smart lists in grid panels with trailing empty rows would not calculate smart lists properly.

Bug fix

Hovering multiple members in roster quickly will no longer show alts for multiple members at a time.

21. July


The signups page has been revamped and 'my signups' is now replaced with a full calendar with month, week, day and agenda views. Double-click or drag to quickly create a new signup.

16. July

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where 'hide general assignments' would reset when the data was updated.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where default smart lists would not calculate when there was no custom smart lists.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where deleting a single linked assignment panel would sometimes delete another one of the linked panels.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where show roster, groups etc. toggles would not show on archived signups.

15. July

Bug fix

Fixed some issues with smart list distribution crashing.

12. July


Spec swap panels now have optional headline.

7. July


🎉 Smart lists! 🎉 Instant custom assignments based on conditional logic ✅ Almost entirely removes week to week assignment work. ✅ Add any number of instances of a smart list to a grid panel. ✅ Spec swap panels change the smart list distribution for specific assignments. ✅ Layer instances on top of each other to ensure ideal members are placed first. ✅ Add more deterministic output by pointing a cell to a member or role. ✅ Create your own smart lists with conditional logic such as game role, class or spec. ✅ Smart lists can be nested inside another smart list.


Changing the template of an existing signup without duplicating.


Replace another template with the data from the current signup.


Copy a panel or section as text - use a mono-spaced font to ensure it displays correctly.


Death knight blood dps spec has been added.


The drag and drop system has been completely rebuilt and is now more performant and fault tolerant. This also fixes some issues with certain browsers like safari.


Assignment sections can now be re-ordered with drag and drop.


Dark mode is now the default theme. This can be changed in settings.


Completely empty grid rows are hidden by default for non-admins.


Undo / redo works with in a lot more areas. It is still an experimental feature, be careful using it when multiple admins are connected.


Get full raid placeholder comp has been updated.

Bug fix

Fixed lots of bugs.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where replacing a member or role in assignments with a smart list would crash the client.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with resizing smart lists would crash the client when moving a certain number of rows or columns.

30. April


Removed text panel emoji/ icon support. You will no longer be able to add emojis or icons in the text editor. Existing data will be rendered as text.


'Override character' window now also show characters that are already signed up.

22. March


Premium team access checks has been enabled.

18. March

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where setting absent from split signup time window would not remove user from runs.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with split signups that would sometimes show runs out of order.

16. March

Bug fix

Discord bot: fixed an issue with /signup create where selecting a split signup template would not copy the split signup data.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with 'New signup' window when selecting a split signup template would not fully reset the runs when keep signups was unselected.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with split signup filter bench would reset when dragging a member.

12. March


You can now mention roles inside text panels, the character inside the role will be displayed. This is especially useful if you have a MRT note for a particular encounter and you find yourself switching out the character names a lot.


Assignment panels can now be admin visible only.

9. March

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with the signup window where unchecking all time windows on a split signup would make the data invalid.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with the signup window where the split signup time windows would be outdated.

8. March

Bug fix

The app will now automatically log you out when you're sent to login again.

6. March


New grid panels are filled with member cells by default.

Bug fix

Fixed a styling issue with icon search that would result in UI shift.

3. March


Guest signups are now live! 🎉 Guest signups is a way for people to signup to Discord embeds for those that haven't logged in to the web app yet. You can create a character directly below the signup and use that character in the future. When a guest logs in on the web app, the character data will be copied into the full user. Since guests have very limited stored data, there's quite a few things you won't be able to do with them such as creating signups or promoting them as admins.


Discord bot: You can now create characters directly from a Discord signup embed.


Discord bot: /signup link now supports entire URL to the Prepi signup.


Discord bot: /signup create server field is now optional and will use the users default signup server as a fallback. If you have no default server, the bot will ask you to create a signup with the server field filled in once and it will save that as the default going forward.

1. March

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where removing all text from a text grid cell would reset the cell.

Bug fix

Fixed some styling with split signup bench filter buttons.

Bug fix

Discord bot: fixed an issue where signup successful embed would show split signup time window end time twice.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where duplicating a grid column would sometimes link cells together with the new column.

16. February


You can now filter split signup bench by more than one time window at a time.


Split signup bench is now expandable to show two columns instead of one column.

11. February

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with split signups where the original signups linked Discord embeds was passed on to split runs, where updating the runs would replace the original signup.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with split signups where the run groups would be overriden when publishing from the split signup.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with split signups where creating multiple split signups after one another would sometimes not show the split signup roster.

10. February


Discord bot: /signup create now allows you to specify which template you'd like to use.


Automations now double check if a signup exists before trying to create it.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with automations page where data wouldn't automatically update.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where changing automation on error notify would set incorrect data.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with automations where in some cases it wouldn't notify the owner if the automation failed to run all the way through.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with automations where editing a use template step would update its new signup ID.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with automations where use template step would sometimes not wait long enough for the signup to be created and verified before moving on.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with new signup window where it would suggest templates you're signed up to but does not have admin access to.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with new signup window where it would allow to create signups using a template that didn't match with the new signup owner.

9. February


Discord bot: /signup link now supports entire URL to the Prepi signup.

7. February

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with 'override character' inside split signups where it would always replace the same character regardless of which character you clicked on and improved compatibility with undo/redo.

6. February


You can now manually force refresh teams directly automations.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with character creation form where adding more than one alt spec would disable the other.

4. February

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with signups without roles and assignments would not show the correct data.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where adding roles and assignments to a signup while multiple admins were synced would not properly reset admin sync.

Bug fix

Discord bot: fixed an issue with /signup create where it would not check if the default signup template existed before trying to use it.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with specific assignment sections where you'd be prompted to add a new panel before a section had been created.

3. February

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with deleting specific assignment sections where the deleted section would still be selected.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where you'd be able to promote new admins on split signups after run documents had been created.

30. January


You can now boost your teams to access powerful features! A Level 1 team will get you Split signups, Automations and 3 (up from 1) instant Discord sync embeds. Everything else will be accessible for free.


Personal signup defaults can now be saved and edited in settings. /signup create and the web app will use these settings unless changed.


You can now choose to show profile names on signups instead of character names for Discord signup embeds.


Documentation for automations has been added.

Bug fix

Improvements to Discord embed instant sync.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where 'Lookup logs' would not work for the 1st character.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where switching between tbcc and wotlk would try to load death knights between renders.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where signup creation would fallback to an outdated expansion.

Bug fix

Fixed multiple automations bugs.

26. January


Added 'Last updated: x minutes ago' to top nav for non-admins on the signup page.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue that prevented roles and assignment data from automatically updating once an admin publishes.

19. January


Assignment panels now show layout order number between nudge left right arrows to clarify the order of each panel.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with some checkboxes that would trigger an unwanted scroll to another checkbox.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with split signups where updating the data would re-initialise with original data.

17. January

Bug fix

Unique members toggle on assignment panels should now only show once.

12. January


You can now convert your templates to be public templates. Public templates can be copied and used by anyone regardless of access level.

11. January

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with override character. It's now treated as a local edit and no longer clashes with other local edits.

4. January


Automation initialize sequence is renamed Signup creation and limited to 'use template' actions only.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with choosing template for use template step in automation when no templates are found.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with use template step window where choosing another location would not update the selected template.

2. January

Bug fix

Fixed an issue that prevented transfer team ownership option to appear in team members table.

10. December


There is now a large warning banner on signups that have ended that shows how many days until the signup will be automatically archived.

7. December


Automations: use template step now allows you to select if you want to keep signups from template.


Create new signup window in /signups will now allow you to keep signups & split signup data from template.

Bug fix

Automations now correctly copies split signup data from templates.

3. December


Minor mobile optimizations.

30. November


Discord bot: signoff button will now let you choose which time windows to sign off.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with signing up on split signups in the web UI where updating your signup would sign you up for all time windows regardless of selection.

27. November


The app will now remember which specific assignments you were previously viewing and will select them when you refresh the page.

16. November


You can now confirm availability for time windows in split signups through the web UI.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where confirmation dots would not display correctly in split signup rosters.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with signup creation where confirmations would always be enabled.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue in /signups where you'd be able to select signups you don't have full permissions to for deletion.

11. November


Admins can now fully delete non-placeholder members from signups.

10. November

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where absent signups would be logged as signing up instead of signing off.

Bug fix

Override member character will now only show characters from the same server.

5. November


Added documentation about creating templates.

1. November


Alt specs is now supported! You can add one or multiple alt specs and it will give the signup admins more oversight and flexibility in moving the roster around. Alternative specs is considered more something that character is or has rather than something you actively sign up with every time. All of that characters alt specs will be included on signup. You can edit this while signing up through the web UI if you'd like. For quick complex configuration it is highly recommended to utilize signup sets when signing up through the Discord bot.


Spec swap panels are now added. Use them to communicate wanted swaps in a particular area.


You can now edit your characters in the settings page.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that would not not update UI properly when deleting the last assignment panel.

Bug fix

Fixed a an issue with renaming placeholders in a split signup.

Bug fix

Fixed a an issue where clearing signups wouldn't update split run data.

Bug fix

Discord bot: fixed an issue with /my signups that would not show edit signup buttons on the first signup.

26. October


Clarified status text on signups in /signups

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that would not show assignment to not logged in members if there were no assignments in general.

18. October


Admins can now add youtube video links in assignments.


The app will now remember your split signup run layout preferences for next time.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where the app would think it's still in a split signup after looking at a non-split signup.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where split signup runs would use the wrong start and end times.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue in 'edit split' where updating time window start time would not update session times.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with 'distribute bench' where it wouldn't distribute characters if the member was distributed to the same session.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue that would allow you to input base64 image information instead of an URL to an image.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue that would remove a signup sets 'main' tag if you edited it in settings.

13. October

Bug fix

Discord bot: fixed an issue with /register channel that would not properly save the data and not report back any feedback to the user.

10. October


Discord bot: fixed an issue that would display the wrong times for time windows in the in-progress signup embed.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where multiple nested bullet lists in text panels would fail to save due to database limitations. This fix does not retroactively fix already bugged data, but clicking 'edit text' and saving should fix it.

8. October


Added fresh servers and fixed time zones in us west & us east server regions.

7. October

Bug fix

Discord bot: fixed an issue with custom signup on a split signup. You should now be able to select more than one at a time.

Bug fix

Discord bot: fixed an issue with custom signup on a split signup. If no time windows were selected and interaction times out, it will no longer show the next step.

Bug fix

Discord bot: fixed an issue with custom signup on a split signup. Start time and end time is now localized to user and fallsback to server time zone.

Bug fix

Discord bot: fixed an issue where split signup embeds would show incorrect start and end times.

21. September

Bug fix

Discord bot: /ping signup does no longer ping 'absent' members when targeting bench.

Bug fix

Discord bot: /ping signup does no longer try to ping placeholders

18. September


Roles and assignments are hidden by default on split signups.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with split signups - dropping members that can go all time windows should now work.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with split signups - distribute bench should now accept members who can go to all time windows.

16. September


Admins can now cycle between alternative specs in the roster by clicking the spec icon.

Bug fix

Editing a signup set no longer removes main/ starred tag.

15. September


Discord bot has been updated to Discord.js v14.

Bug fix

Discord bot: signup embed now shows alts to members signed as available.

Bug fix

Changing a members character to an alt character and overriding the spec no longer interferes with each other.

6. September


Wowhead raid comp tool export now supports character names.

4. September

Bug fix

Discord bot: fixed an issue where custom signup on a server where a user would have two characters with the same name would make the bot not continue signup process.

26. August


Clarified team loading states and feedback if no user access.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue that would prevent showing 'add character' in settings under characters.

25. August


Added a redirect from to wowheads raid composition tool for wotlk.

Bug fix

Discord bot: fixed an issue that would cause user to get stuck if user has signup sets, but none on the current signup server is on.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that wouldn't allow you to create a character on another server with the same name as one of your other characters.

24. August

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with signup window that would redirect to another URL if you tried to create a character on a server where you previously had none.

22. August


Settings page UI revamped.


Discord bot: /register channel no longer redirects to web app to save channel.


Discord bot: /ping unsigned no longer mentions the Discord role.

Bug fix

Discord bot: fixed an issue with absent button that would not save all the necessary data leading to members being pinged in /ping unsigned even if they have signed as absent.

19. August

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where 'override spec' spec icons would show half of another spec icon.

Bug fix

Fixed an minor issue with signup sets where unnecessary data was saved.

18. August


New Discord command: /my signups - displays your next 5 of your upcoming signups in the next 7 days. You can adjust your signup directly from the list.


New Discord command: /team join - join existing Prepi team on your current Discord server.


New Discord command: /team create - create a Prepi team tied to your current Discord server.


Signup successful embed now shows which signup set was used if one was used.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where signups in would show user character spec instead of the spec used on that signup.

17. August


If you do not mind being benched, you can now sign up as 'available / available if needed'.


Users can now override which time zone is used when creating signups with Discord bot in settings.


Admins can now quickly override a members character spec.


'Currently moving' is now easier to distinguish on a busy background.


Hovering roles shows more clearly what you can click on.


'Lookup logs' now have spec icons.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with some windows / modals that dropdowns inside the window would be cut off and you'd have to scroll down to get to the rest of the dropdown.

16. August

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where automations would timeout when reaching Discord rate limits.

Bug fix

Bulk deletion feedback improved when selecting archived signups.

15. August


You can now bulk delete signups and templates in /signups.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with reverting split signup to normal signup where roster wouldn't show.

Bug fix

Fixed a layering issue with tooltips interacting with buttons.

Bug fix

It should now be harder to run into Discord channel rate limits when running many channel posts to the same channel in an automation.

13. August

Bug fix

Fixed an issue that would not allow connecting to login and database servers when using proxies, vpn or anti-virus.

2. August


Bench is now shown by default to non-admins on the roster.

Bug fix

Fixed a couple of issues with edit split window.

1. August


🎉 Splits! 🎉 Manage multiple rosters over different times in the same UI ✅ Members sign up to time windows, admins create sessions and runs at will inside the time window. Publishing from the main split signup will create each run document and update rosters. ✅ Distribute bench round-robin style over runs ✅ Super fast session scheduling ✅ Have 10 and 25 man runs at the same time ✅ Limit member to 1 - 3 rostered characters


Signup sets: save your custom signup setups and make signups even faster!


New experimental feature: Global undo / redo with ctrl / cmd + z support. Currently only affects split signup roster editing. You can turn this on in settings.


Basic logs - keeps track of who signs up, signs off and publishes changes.


New signup opt-in: Notify signup owner on sign off


Added setting: groups 'copy to clipboard' format, now supports Method Raid Tools vertical layout.


More explicit signup feedback from Discord bot


'Publish changes' button is now renamed to 'Save and publish'.'

Bug fix

Fixed a bug with bi-directional sync where /signup link would save invalid data.

15. July

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that would not update signup created at date when duplicating.

7. July

Bug fix

Fixed a minor bug that prevented copy assignment panel to clipboard to be clicked.

5. July


A signup not found message will now show if no signup was found or the user does not have permission to read the signup.


Loading rosters should now be slightly quicker.

4. July


You can now add any class, spec & spell icon to grid icon and text cells, grid column headers and target assignment icon.


The old way of displaying icons in text cells and grid column headers has been removed.


Text assignment panels are now assumed double row height to fit with more layouts.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug with icon search that would loose focus of the text input when typing.

28. June

Bug fix

Fixed an issue where placeholders would link to non-existing Discord users.

21. June

Bug fix

Replace with should again display in class colors.

19. June

Bug fix

Discord bot: fixed an issue that would not allow non-team admins to click 'Absent' button before signing up first.

Bug fix

Discord bot: fixed an issue where 'Absent' button wouldn't display correct error feedback.

16. June

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with assignment section options.

13. June


Admins should now be able to see signups with visibility is set to on roster regardless if they're on roster or not.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue that would leave behind data after clear signups & clear placeholders.

11. June

Bug fix

Set a member as absent now properly delete local unsaved changes.

Bug fix

Local member changes will now be deleted if any member updates their signup.

10. June

Bug fix

Fixed an bug where signing up as absent on the website would create incomplete data.

Bug fix

Fixed an bug where custom signup as absent would still consider member as on roster.

9. June


Member popover: click name to be taken to the members Discord profile.

6. June


Discord bot: new command /ping unsigned can be used to ping members that have not signed up, filtered by a Discord role.


Discord bot: /ping signup can now list members to the admin without pinging members.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that would crash while trying to create a team when a team already exists on that Discord server.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that would update a teams created at time when editing team.

5. June


Create team window: better feedback when trying to input invalid Discord role ID.


Improved error feedback when dealing with teams.

3. June

Bug fix

Fixed styling of priest color on light mode.

Bug fix

Fixed a crash with adding roles & assignment window.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where use template automation action would suggest invalid templates.

1. June


Placeholders can now be renamed.


Renamed encounters assignment to specific assignments.

Bug fix

Fixed styling when OS is dark mode and Prepi theme is light mode.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug with signup window where disabling use different spec would change the spec of the character.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where lookup logs on all alternate characters would all link to the current signup character.

31. May


Creating a placeholder will no longer close the placeholder UI.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where deleting a placeholder wouldn't delete all the data.

29. May


You can now choose to only show your signup data to members on roster or only admins with the signup visibility toggle.

28. May


Discord bot: /request confirmation command - new option to ping members.


Discord bot: bot will now post signup and confirmation embeds in a way that will fail if the bot cannot see that channel. This is done to make it clearer that the bot does indeed need access to see the channel, even though some functions previously worked without it.


Discord bot: Improved feedback from request confirmation embed.


Bi-directional sync is now limited to one per embed type i.e signup & confirm.

Bug fix

Discord bot: update signup embed failing error feedback improvements.

25. May


Signups can now have short descriptions. Up to 150 characters.


Discord bot: /ping signup can now ping unconfirmed members.


Improved error feedback when signing up on the website.

Bug fix

Added a warning to disallow creating placeholders with '-' in the name.

24. May


Discord bot: Times on embeds should now be correctly localized to each user.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug with edit raid intro button was not clickable.

Bug fix

Fixed a couple minor bugs with creating a new character.

23. May


You can now lookup logs on all characters the member has signed with.

Bug fix

Warcraftlogs URLs with game servers with multiple words should now work properly.

Bug fix

Remove placeholders now correctly updates groups.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug with target assignment panels adding and removing rows.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug with target assignment panels' icon popup.

Bug fix

Discord bot: Fixed a bug where custom signup would get stuck.


Deleting a role will now ask for confirmation.

18. May

Bug fix

Fixed multiple bugs with signup window.

Bug fix

Clear signups now removes admin alternate characters as well.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with edit signup where toggle would always be set to on.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that would crash the app when trying to create new signup without any templates or teams.

16. May


New signup modal: template is now a auto-complete team grouped dropdown.


Minor UI / UX improvements

Bug fix

Team templates now automatically show up as template option.

Bug fix

Team templates now show up under templates in /signups.

Bug fix

Discord bot: fixed bug with custom signup when user has only 1 character.

11. May


🎉 Multi-character signups are now here! 🎉 Flexible on what you can bring? Sign up with up to two alternate characters! Admins can easily switch between your characters and select the one that fits best. On Discord you'll be given the option to select from a dropdown menu at the end of the custom signup process. On the web you can click 'add alternate' in the signup modal.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with auto archiving signups where rosters would not show.

5. May


'New signup' button on /signups will now also suggest user templates along with default templates.

Bug fix

Discord bot: can now understand admin access on team owned signups.

3. May


Discord bot: signup will now give option between instant signup with saved characters and custom signup for faster alt signups.


Discord bot: /signup create will now autocomplete suggest game server.

26. April

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that didn't load user templates for changing template when duplicating signup.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that newly created characters would not have all required data.

21. April

Bug fix

Invalid signup IDs no longer crash the app.

20. April


Live bi-directional sync. Signing up through the web app will now update Discord embeds immediately. This is both the signup embed and the confirm embed.


Will now warn the user if admins have local unsaved changes that are incompatible with new signups. For instance if you have a signup that puts new members directly on roster and a member signs up while you have a full signup but haven't published yet.


Lots of refactoring of core parts of the app.

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with nested dropdown menus where clicking the nested options would dismiss before running the action.

Bug fix

Clicking clear signups on a team owned signup will now no longer remove the user from the signup.

13. April

Bug fix

Bot: fixed bug that would post duplicate members in confirm embed.


Bot: confirm embed now removes the last fully empty groups.

11. April


New admin button: delete unsaved changes


Default assignment improvements.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where absent some members would not appear in absent members list on roster.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where /signup create would create signups where roster wouldn't load.

Bug fix

Removing someone from roster should no longer leave phantom taken spots in groups.

5. April

Bug fix

Groups will now filter away duplicates.

Bug fix

Change character now filters to the correct expansion.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that would leave empty spot when someone signed off while benched.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that would leave empty groups when duplicating a signup with a smaller max size.

2. April


All signups will now automatically be archived 2 weeks after their end date. If the signup event has ended, you can see when it will be archived below the event title. This does not affect templates.

Bug fix

Changing max size when duplicating signup will now update groups. If the new number is smaller than the old, it will additionally remove everyone from the roster.

Bug fix

Signup end time now updates properly when start time updates based on duration.

Bug fix

Group position temporary locking now works if the previous member is not signed.

29. March


🎉 Prepi teams are here! 🎉 Easily manage your team admin permissions. ✅ Tag-based permissions system. ✅ Allow members to join based on Discord roles & automatically assign a prepi tag ✅ Permissions for managing: members, tags, signups & automations ✅ Quickly find and join teams based on what Discord servers you're a part of.

Bug fix

Changing signup max size while duplicating signup will now update groups to match.

Bug fix

Deleting a placeholder or setting member as absent will now remove them from groups.

27. March


'Unique members' support is added for assignment panels. Enabling it will not allow you to place duplicate members inside the panel.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where being admin of a team owned signup would not give you admin access.

25. March


Updated popover dropdown menu. Now supports typeahead and keyboard navigation.

22. March


Discord bot signup & absent buttons will now give more explicit feedback and be more tolerant of bad connections.

16. March


Replace with can now search for group positions with i.e 'G1' or 'G5'.


Added a button to temporarily hide general assignments.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that would allow benched members to stay in groups.

9. March


Several minor design improvements.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that would apply modifying groups twice.

5. March


Signup archive is now sorted by start time.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that showed members in groups even if they're signed as absent.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that prevented signup mode default value being set when duplicating signup.

2. March

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where clicking publish changes would hide roster & groups.

20. February


Multiple expansion support added with Vanilla / SoM + Wotlk


new page /documentation

19. February

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where publish changes would disappear.

18. February

Bug fix

Fixed a bug with signup duration would be set to 0 in create new signup.

16. February


Signup window will now automatically open if you follow the link after trying to signup with the bot and either didn't have an account or didn't have any characters.

15. February


You can sign up with other specs than the one you registered on your character.


/signup create now supports natural language date options like 'today', 'tomorrow' or any week day like 'friday'.


Making your first character will automatically mark it as main.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug with discord bot that would not show feedback if user tried to use /signup link on a signup they were not admin on.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug with 'clear placeholders' that tried to edit non-existent data.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that would refuse to load roster if going from a signup you were not admin of to /signups, then back to the signup.

13. February

Bug fix

Fixed a bug with discord bot that would fail to signup if user had changed their discord name.

12. February


You can now register channels by using a new bot command /register channel. This will be useful for some future features.


Roster now shows absent members.


Create new / edit signup modal now uses duration in hours instead of a date-time picker.


Removing placeholders from roster will now delete them instead of setting them as absent.

Bug fix

Fixed many bugs that would make the top menu flicker on page load and when re-rendering the page.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that would load in all signups while not at the /signups page.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that not show roster on signups created from discord bot.

6. February

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that would crash the app if a member lost it's character when on the roster.

4. February


Discord bot command /signup create now asks for start date and time individually and gives better feedback if user inputs invalid data.

2. February


Mobile navigation improvements

1. February


We now log some anonymized data to track app crashes, bugs and performance issues.

31. January


Emojis are now usable in the text editor. This includes custom game icons. Use by writing :skull: :star: etc.


Signups now have group comp support.


Large parts of roster & groups have been rewritten and should act more consistently. Previous group comps will reset.


Game icons in assignments format has changed, now use :skull: instead of {skull}.


Game icons are now higher quality.

29. January

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where changing signup max size would use a wrong data type.

26. January


User templates now show up as options when duplicating signup or adding roles and assignments to signup.

25. January


Bot commands now have image examples.

23. January


Signup admins can now mark signup as templates. Signup templates can be seen under the new tab on the signup page.


Signup admins can now archive signup. Archived signup will keep the roster and group comp data and can be seen under the new tab on the signups page.


You can now move, duplicate and remove multiple rows or columns at a time in grid assignments.

21. January


New page: that explains all the things you can do with our Discord bot.


When duplicating a signup you now have the option of keeping signups, roles & assignment or both.

19. January


Updated a few core parts of the app, leading to higher app performance.


Assignments should now look far better on smaller devices.


Updated T6 template.

16. January


Removing a member from the roster will now sign them as absent instead of deleting them outright.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where admins deleting themselves off the roster would make the roster disappear.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where editing the roster with multiple admins watching would get stuck in an endless loop syncing back and forth.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug which would not show all members if another admin added them to roster.

15. January


Target icons can now be shown as part of grid assignment text by using i.e {skull} or {cross}.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that prevented adding assignment panels after deleting the last sub section.

14. January


Publish changes button will now turn green when it notices changes that have not been pushed to the server.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that kept adding outdated data to the signup file. These unnecessary pieces of data will now be scrubbed from the document on import.

11. January


Lots of minor updates & fixes to UI.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug with adding character while trying to signup to signup.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where publish changes wouldn't grab all changes.

10. January

Bug fix

Fixed an issue with the app remembering corrupt server data.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug with adding character while trying to signup.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where transferring signup ownership would duplicate the previous owner.

9. January


You can now add roles and assignments to signups without them.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where duplicating your own signup would make you both owner and admin.

8. January


You can now create new signups directly through the discord bot through '/signup create'.


Discord bot command '/raid link' is now renamed to '/signup link'


Region is now removed and inferred by game server. Timezone is also inferred by game server.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where roster wouldn't fill with signups properly.

6. January


You can now copy link directly to an assignment section and share with your team. Click a selected section and select 'Get link'.

4. January


Template for Black Temple & Mount Hyjal added.


Duplicating signup now makes you owner of the new signup.

3. January


Searching for a member will in 'replace with' now also show the roles they're in.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that allowed the user to reset roster before it's fully loaded in.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that showed section admin options to non-admins.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug with 'ghostify signups' that deleted too much data for signup admins.

Bug fix

Ghost signups now show up in 'replace with'.

31. December


'Replace with' now supports searching for ingame role, class & specs! It also looks much better.

30. December


Assignment spacers can now be used to further customize the layout of your assignments. ⚠️ Use sparingly! Remember that just because it looks good on your display doesn't mean it will look good on all display sizes.

Bug fix

Publish changes should now pick up more of your edits.

Bug fix

Assignments should now work better on mobile.

26. December


New button in Groups to copy group comp to clipboard in .CSV format.

24. December


You can now mark members as standby. This will also show with the /request confirmation command from the discord bot.

Bug fix

Dragging something after resizing the window will now have the correct width.

22. December


Copy grids, target & text assignments to clipboard with one click.


Sections can now be renamed and moved left and right.

Bug fix

Fixed a crash when trying to remove the last column in assignment grid.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that prevented grids re-rendering when adding empty rows.

21. December


Write a signup intro text! Go into edit mode and click the 'Add intro text' button near signups to get started.


You can now 👻 'Ghostify signups' as an alternative to clearing signups. A Ghost member is only visible to admins with a dashed border and will treat the member as not signed up. It allows you to keep working on your assignments when you don't have any signups.


New option when creating signups to disallow members signing up with tentative.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug with replace with that showed a member in a role even if member was not on roster.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that moved assignment panel in encounters rather than in general assignments.

19. December

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that prevented replace with dialog from appearing after clicking a role in assignments.

18. December


When signing up you can now mark yourself as tentative, late or absent.


Signup page header is now more compact.

Bug fix

Fixed a few minor visual glitches

12. December


'/request confirmation' command has been added to the discord bot. Use it to make sure your members has seen that they are expected to show. It will automatically turn on member confirmations.


Clear signups will automatically turn off member confirmations.


Groups will now automatically sort by role, class, spec then name if no positions are saved.

Bug fix

Fixed some bugs around being signed as absent.

Bug fix

discord bot: fixed bug that allowed you to signup to signup that has already happened.

9. December


Assignment section look updated and assignment grids are far more mobile friendly.


Lists look updated and is more mobile friendly.

Bug fix

Fixed bug where copying a grid panel would fail if it contained data it didn't recognize.

8. December

Bug fix

Fixed bug where app would create duplicate lists and roster would disappear.

Bug fix

Multiple forms of editing will now not be interrupted when multiple admins are editing at the same time.

4. December


Changelog design updated


Change character window now allows you to select whether user should be notified or not.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where attempting to change a members character wouldn't trigger properly.

30. November


New page: FAQ


Admins can now change characters on behalf of members.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where selecting text and dragging mouse outside of window would dismiss modal.

22. November


When editing roster, will now show add to roster button even if signup is full, but will be disabled.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where roster wouldn't update correctly after a member signs off or signs with another character.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that crashed when clicking lookup logs.

12. November

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where deleting signup would sometimes leave behind data.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where the save pending indicator would disappear before its either successful or unsuccessful.

9. November


You can now 👯‍♀️ clone and 🔗 link panels in assignments. They start of looking the same, but only linked panels will keep up to date with each other.

7. November


Removed roster stats.


Can now replace members directly in assignments and inside a role in Roles.


Design tweaks, dark mode more consistent


Hover interactions are more consistent.

6. November


Text editor now supports pasting URLs which will automatically make a link.

5. November


Prepi now has a new collaborative text editor! 🎉 ✅ Editing syncs nearly instantly ✅ See where each admin is editing ✅ individual undo/redo support


Adding a new row or column to assignment grid now copies previous row/column.


'Replace with' popup does not scroll when you dismiss the popup and can now longer be triggered in Groups

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where data would carry over between signups.

3. November

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where some text assignment panels would be linked to the same id.

1. November

Bug fix

Login button no longer blinks when you refresh the page.

30. October


Admin online indicators should update more consistently.


Deleting signup now asks you to confirm your action.

29. October


'Replace with' - Clicking assignments or empty roles will now let you search for a member or role to fill with.


Removing a member from roster should remove member from roles & assignments


Fixed bug where continuing to add custom placeholders would place them on roster even when roster is full.


Improved consistency when moving roles.

23. October


Editing is now real-time between admins. Any admin clicking publish changes will make it live for all users.

21. September


Admins can now delete members from roster.

19. September


Added possibility to duplicate signup


Added temporary button to reset roster targets incase they get bugged.


Better user feedback when trying to add an image to assignments.


Roster lists are now sorted by class instead of signup time when the list order isn't overridden.


Can no longer clear members or placeholders from rosters or groups.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where adding new assignments to general would add it to encounters.

14. September


Added templates for SSC, TK & SSC + TK

7. September


Admins can now create custom placeholders with a class/ spec/ name combination.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug that didn't properly delete data from roster lists when clearing placeholders.

Bug fix

Fixed a bug where adding placeholders after reloading the page would overwrite existing placeholders.

3. September


You can now temporarily hide roster, groups, roles or assignments in signups.


If you change characters when the signup is full, it will keep you on roster if you were on roster previously.


Changing encounters section will no longer reload general assignments.


Encounters assignments will now select left-most section by default.


Encounters panels no longer disappear when you select a section without any panels.

29. August


Signups page - now organised into 4 columns: today, later this week, future & past


Slightly better mobile responsiveness

Bug fix

Add character form multiple bug fixes

Bug fix

Clear signups no longer makes signup disappear for admins

28. August

Bug fix

Multiple bug fixes on roster

25. August


When you login, you'll be redirected back to the page you were at.


Saving new character should now save with correct region & server


Admin buttons in top nav should now disappear when you logout


Admin buttons in top nav should now only appear to admins

Bug fix

Fixed crash/ hidden drag layer when dragging benched players

Bug fix

Fixed crash in case a group member wasn't getting the correct data

20. August


Smoother performance after starting a drag on an object

Known issues

  • Receiving live updates from another admin will reload some elements such as text-input fields and interrupt your editing.
  • Contextual popover menu positioning is wrong on some touch devices.
  • Contextual popover can reposition if updates are received when the menu is up.